Farmer panel talks of trade and other ag hurdles of today
This year at the Farm Progress show, the Wall Street Journal sat down with farmers affected by trade tariffs to talk about the trade war with China, relations with other nations, the consumer’s opinion on farmers, and the farming lifestyle. The farmers shed a light on almost every issue currently going on in our industry.
Each farmer explained how this was not a one-issue problem, it expands into many aspects of our lives and the lives of consumers. The farmers discussed how free trade is our end goal and that it will take great trust across all industries to get there. The trade war will not just stop after an agreement is made, it may takes years to gain that trust back.
However, when asked about the future of farming and if they would recommend it to future generations, Larry Hasheider said, “It’s is like a life’s mission. It is why you know you were put here on this Earth. This is what I am going to do, I am going to produce food.”