negative reviews? yeah we have those

A reading from the book of negative reviews, with a special guest appearance from miss Reagan. These were the ones I felt were safe to read, some were not. ‪The best thing you can do is laugh at the haters, or better yet enjoy reading their reviews while out in the sunshine with the girls. ‬

Posted by TDF Honest Farming on Wednesday, April 17, 2019

TDF Farmer handles negative reviews about his dairy operation

· April 19, 2019

Many of us have seen Jimmy Kimmel’s famous Mean Tweets. If you haven’t, celebrities read mean tweets about themselves from internet trolls. Often, the celebrities take the criticism in good spirits, because this is not their first time dealing with the haters. The same goes for the TDF Farmer, Derrick Josi. He answers some of the negative reviews he has seen on his social media platforms. 

As always, Derrick is up front and honest about his dairy operation. From everything from being called unethical and immoral to being accused that his dairy farm is “staged” to make the dairy industry look better, Derrick answers the reviews that he felt were safe to read out loud. 

As with any negative backlash, you take the comments with a grain of salt. Anytime you open up your farm and try to educate the consumer, you also open yourself up to the internet activist. However, telling your story and getting your message to the consumer is more important than the trolls.  

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