Peterson Farm Bros. parody Walker Hayes’ hit with ‘Farmin’ Like’
A farm doesn’t have to have fancy stuff to get the job done — farmers can often be content with some dents and no payments on their equipment! That inspired the Peterson Farm Brothers’ parody tune Farmin’ Like, which is a great spin on the chart-topping Billboard country hit Fancy Like by Walker Hayes.
Their song sums up so much about what farming is like, that it’s hard to imagine this coming together any better than it has!
As they say in the description, “Big and fancy might work for some farms but that doesn’t mean it has to be that way for others! It takes every farm around the world doing the best they can with what works for them in their situation.”
It’s likely that you’re already well-versed in the Petersons’ music, but in case this is you’re first time hearing them, the group has made 20+ music videos prior to this one (some are parodies, while others are originals), along with a host of other informational and entertainment vids (they even created a second channel specific to those).
Here’s the whole list of their other music videos (some parodies, some originals), along with the links to watch them:
2. Farmer Style
4. Bale
5. Chore
10. Our Farm Song
11. Residue
12. Forage Harvester
13. Tractorstuck
14. California Farms
16. Old Town Road
17. Crazy Grain
19. The Net Rap
20. Corn Revolution
21. Highway to Sell
22. Some Cows
23. Crop Dusters
Be sure to check them out! If you’ve already got a favorite? We’d love to hear which one it is.
The Petersons can also be found at their website here or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: @petefarmbros