The Value of Grazing: Wildlife Mitigation

Rich Atmore of Ventura, Cal., discusses how his grazing cattle helped to mitigate the effects of the 2017 Thomas Fire on his ranch's property, even as entire nearby neighborhoods below largely ungrazed hillsides were destroyed. This video is part of our "Value of Grazing" campaign, which will showcase some of the main ways that grazing can benefit landscapes, wildlife, and human neighbors. To learn more about the Value of Grazing campaign, visit:

Posted by National Cattlemen's Beef Association on Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Livestock groups highlight the many benefits of grazing

· August 8, 2019

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the Public Lands Council today launched a digital campaign focused on the value of grazing. The digital campaign was created to explore key elements of grazing that benefit the environment, rural communities, and local economies across the United States.

“Wildfire mitigation is just one of the many benefits of livestock grazing,” said NCBA President Jennifer Houston. “Cattle positively contribute to the environment and our food production system, and it’s a story many need to hear. We need to arm the public with facts; it’s livestock who provide natural nutrients to the soil, ensure our native grasslands remain intact, and ensure rural America remains economically supported.”

Research finds that managed livestock grazing prevents catastrophic wildfire, cycles nutrients through the soil, fosters healthy habitats for wildlife, and supports rural economic development.

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