You might have great hard-wired internet service piping into your home or office, but what about those times when you’re in the shop or in your tractor on the back 40? Extending WiFi capabilities across properties often goes overlooked by private-sector manufacturers.
Ayrstone hopes to solve that with its newly released AyrMesh Hub2x2, device that can provide broadband-class WiFi to hundreds or even thousands of acres of property. The Hub2x2 is an outdoor, high-power, meshing WiFi access point designed specifically for the rural community.
“The new Hub2x2 marks a new direction for Ayrstone,” said Bill Moffitt, President of Ayrstone Productivity. “We have previously focused on ultra-long-range, moderate-bandwidth products primarily aimed at enhancing precision agriculture. The Hub2x2 can still provide long range, but can also provide up to twice the bandwidth of our previous single-antenna Hubs, making it ideal for security, professional, and leisure activities in a rural setting.”
In addition to augmenting the use of precision ag technology, the Hub2x2 can be used to improve overall security on your property through the use of IP cameras and other networked security devices.