University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Laramie, WY
Founded in 1886
Growing people, knowledge, and communities

Acceptance Rate
$18,682 / $33,832
Tuition In-state / Out-of-state
School Website >>The mission of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming is to be the proactive leader in education and scholarship to cultivate healthy, sustainable systems for Wyoming’s agriculture, environment and natural resources, and rural communities. Our vision is to serve people through the application of the land grant principles of learning, engagement, and discovery.
Agricultural Degrees Offered
- Agricultural and Applied Economics
- Agricultural Communications
- Animal and Veterinary Sciences
- Animal Sciences
- Ecosystem Science and Management
- Microbiology
- Plant Sciences
Total Enrollment: 8,869
Male Female Student Ratio: 49%/51%
Acceptance Rate: 97%
Application Fee: $40
Application Deadline: August 10
Target GPA: 3.1
Target SAT Score: 1160
Target ACT Score: 24
In-State: $18,682
Out-of-State: $33,832
Student Fees: $6,078/$15,420
Room and Board: $11,144
More Info
Religious Affiliation: non-denominational
Faculty/Student Ratio: 15/1
Laramie Research and Extension Center
The Laramie Research and Extension Center was constructed in 1990 at a cost of 4.34 million dollars. The facilities consist of 12 buildings including a temperature modified lambing barn, beef and sheep sheds, a wool laboratory and classroom, a sheep handling building, a sheep confinement building, a multipurpose building, a swine confinement unit, and a state-of-the-art feed mill.