
House Agriculture Committee cuts red tape with 5 new bills


Sometimes it just takes a little common sense. The House Agriculture Committee has approved five bipartisan measures designed to cut red tape and improve efficiency of forest and land management and diversify input on commodity standards.

“Maintaining our federal forests can be hard enough without the bureaucratic red tape of Washington getting in the way. Two of the measures approved by the committee today take important steps to expedite forest management activities and help tap the ingenuity of the private sector to reduce the risk of wildfire,” said Chairman K. Michael Conaway. “Each of these measures, from land transfers to commodity standards boards to forest management, make common sense improvements to our federal programs. Thanks to my colleagues for advancing these bipartisan bills.”

Read more on the each of the bills below.

H.R. 2936, the Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017;

H.R. 2521, the South Carolina Peanut Parity Act of 2017;

H.R. 2921, the National Forest System Vegetation Management Pilot Program Act of 2017;

H.R. 2941, the Kisatchie National Forest Land Conveyance Act;

H.R. 3567, To authorize the purchase of a small parcel of Natural Resources Conservation Service property in Riverside, California, by the Riverside Corona Resource Conservation District, and for other purposes.

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