Graduate students interested in the dairy industry have an opportunity to expand their knowledge and increase their networking circle by attending the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting. DCRC introduces their Scholars program, which offers one travel scholarship to a full-time graduate student focusing on some aspect of dairy cattle reproduction. The award recipient earns an expense-paid trip (up to $1500) to attend the DCRC Annual Meeting, Nov. 13-14, in Pittsburgh.
To apply for the DCRC Scholars program, applicants must complete the application form, submit an interest statement that details the applicant’s interest in dairy cattle reproduction, career goals and research project(s), and provide a letter of recommendation. Applicants may also share additional information, such as awards, honors and scholarships received.
Eligible candidates must be a DCRC member and enrolled full time at a college or university in a dairy, animal or veterinary science, microbiology or related program at the time of application deadline, with an area of interest that includes dairy cattle reproduction.
The application deadline is April 30. Applicants will be notified by June 1, regarding the selection committee’s decision. To learn more about the program and to apply, go to their website.
The Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council is focused on bringing together all sectors of the dairy industry – producers, consultants, academia and allied industry professionals – for improved reproductive performance. DCRC provides an unprecedented opportunity for all groups to work together to take dairy cattle reproduction to the next level.