Colostrum, the nutrient-rich first milk, is something that usually comes to mind when we think of calving or newborns.
However, research indicates that bovine colostrum have amazing human health applications. In a recent article published in Frontiers in Nutrition, scientists explore the nutritive elements of bovine colostrum and how they might be applied to human health.
According to the researchers, bovine colostrum supplements have been used by athletes for decades, looking to boost performance and body composition. And, it’s no wonder — the authors share that colostrum includes a wealth of bioactive molecules, proteins, fats, glycans, minerals, vitamins, and more. Mpove over calves.
Historically, colostrum has been used medicinally with suggested benefits, including boosted immunity and gastrointestinal health. Researchers have also discovered positive results in using colostrum as a companion drug for routine non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, reducing the negative side effects of NSAIDS.

Bovine colostrum has also been used in human trials, showing varying positive benefits for different conditions. Both ulcerative colitis and traveler’s diarrhea observed measurable improvements when treated with colostrum.
Ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory disease, showed a reduction in symptom scores in patients after colostrum was applied, including bolstered immunity and GI health.
In a clinical trial observing traveler’s diarrhea and the impact that bovine colostrum played when using hyperimmune colostrum, rich in immunoglobins, on patients, a 58.3 percent protection from diarrhea symptoms was observed.
Looking forward, researchers may be able to infuse food and medication with bovine colostrum. With its protein-rich, low-lactose profile, colostrum has all the ingredients for nutritional benefits. The main challenge moving forward will likely be separating bioactive elements and continuing to unpack practical applications for colostrum usage.
Meanwhile, future clinical trials are key to understanding which groups, like those with GI troubles, could find the most significant benefits from colostrum treatment and whether that’s from whole or fractioned products.
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