The Producer Partnership, a nonprofit organization that partners with livestock producers across Montana with the goal of fighting hunger, is planning to donate a trailer-full load of USDA inspected pork, breakfast sausage, and ground beef to Montana Food Bank Network and their partners next week.
The deliveries will take place Sept. 26 through 28. In all, more than 40,000 pounds will help communities statewide.
“The delivery of these donations is the result of multiple producers, from across the state, that all believe in our simple mission, Farmers and Ranchers working to end hunger in Montana. We are excited not only for this donation, but of what the Producer Partnership can accomplish in the future,” said Matt Pierson, founder and president or the Producer Partnership, which was founded in 2020 as a result of neighbors looking to help one another during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since its launch, the Producer Partnership went on to open the first 501(c)(3) nonprofit USDA-inspected meat processing facility in the nation, helping to simplify a food pipeline and bring opportunities to contribute to ranchers, donors, and volunteers.
“The Producer Partnership has successfully taken a complex process and simplified it to allow ranchers and farmers to make a huge impact in our communities and schools. We simply have the privilege to distribute their generous donations. Now that’s a partnership working together to end hunger in Montana,” said Brent Weisgram, vice president and COO of the Montana Food Bank Network.
The three days of deliveries will take place in Livingston, Helena, and Kalispell, Montana.