
Burgess on Books: ‘Corn is Maize’


Burgess on Books is a monthly AGDAILY feature that spotlights a kids book perfect for your rural rugrat.

“Corn is Maize: The Gift of the Indians”
Written and illustrated by: Aliki
Age: 7-10 years
Publisher: HarperCollins

It’s corn planting time. So what a great way for your little reader to learn about corn and where it originally came from. This book explains the origin of corn, how it was bred, and how it came to be now. It even gets down to the nitty-gritty on how corn pollinates. It also explains all of the uses for corn nowadays. The only downgrade on this book is that the combine (harvester) is not entirely accurate for the present technology. Besides that, it’s an excellent simple history and science lesson in one book.

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