
Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from Sept. 17, 2019


We bring you some of the best farm photos on Instagram for Sept. 17. Want to get listed in this daily feature? Be sure to hashtag your pics with #agdaily.

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Morning juice before heading out to muster.

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“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit. Because it will in the end contribute to the most real wealth, good morals and happiness.” —Thomas Jefferson • • Who has influenced you to pursue what you are passionate about? • • As we kick off the week take a moment to think back on everyone that has helped you get to where you are in this exact moment. • • • For many of us it has been a mentor within the agriculture industry that has showed us the grit, hard work, care, passion and determination it takes to try, fail and then try again. • • Thank you past and future farmers, Ranchers, agriculturalists for not giving up on providing food sources for so many. • • • ?: @__wyattsmith__ ?: @5riverscattle • • #AgricultureRaisedMe #Agriculturegrown #modernagriculture #agvocate #agdaily #agnowmorethanever #agriculture #agmorethanever #agrarian #agricultureworldwide #myjobdependsonAg #farmher #mjdoa #womeninag #farmerstrong #westernlifestyle #cowboy #Farmus #farmfamilies #modernCowboy

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