
Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from March 4, 2020


We bring you some of the best farm photos on Instagram for March 4. Want to get listed in this daily feature? Be sure to hashtag your Instagram pics with #agdaily. 

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I know it’s only March and we’re a good six weeks away from planting. BUT, so much behind the scenes work has to happen in order to be READY to plant when the soil temperature is finally warm enough and weather conditions are right. This sprayer is new to us on the farm this year and we’re pretty excited to get to use it. Only problem is that the previous owner planted 30” rows and we plant 36” rows. Levi has been measuring and adjusting all of the nozzles to get them in the right spots. Planting wide rows isn’t necessarily ideal with today’s farming advancements BUT it’s what our family has always done and a switch to narrower rows would be a HUGE investment. Levi always says we just “do the best we can with what we have at the time.” It’s a great philosophy for farming, but honestly a great outlook on life too. Just keep doing your best with the tools and resources you have at the time and things will work out just how they’re supposed to. #FarmingInTheOffSeason #FarmRanchLife #Plant20 #RowCropGang #AgDaily #FarmKids #GenerationalFarming #SupportLocalFarmers #DoubleOfarms

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