
Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from Aug. 23


We bring you some of the best farm photos on Instagram for Aug. 23. Want to get listed in this daily feature? Be sure to hashtag your pics with #agdaily!

?"And Old MacDonald had a daughter She-I-E-I-O, Look what she does with what he taught her She-I-E-I-O, She's got the future in her hands, Proud her roots are where she stands"? — The lyrics to this song are giving me all the feels. It was hard to pick just a couple of lines to share. If you haven't already, check out the music video put together by @landolakesktchn and @iammaggierose where they rewrite the words of Old MacDonald to honor female farmers! (Link in my bio to the share on my FB page!) And with every share of this video and #alltogetherbetter the Land O'Lakes Foundation will donate $1 to @feedingamerica up to $100,000. — #farmher #landolakes #feedingamerica #womeninag #womenwhofarm #dairyfarmher #dairyfarmer #farmersdaughter #futurefarmer #agproud #agmorethanever #agdaily #daughterandfather #fatherdaughtertime #cows #childrenseemagic #childhoodunplugged #farmkid

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