
Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from Aug. 21


We bring you some of the best farm photos on Instagram for Aug. 21. Want to get listed in this daily feature? Be sure to hashtag your pics with #agdaily!

A 12-hour overnight experience helping a momma pig in distress farrow four healthy piglets, one stillborn and then a nine hour struggle to get the last stuck piglet free from the birth canal so the momma pig could finally rest and take care of her babies…. and these girls stuck with me through all of it. Evening chores on a perfect night with clear skies and cooler temps quickly turned into all hands on deck to help a struggling labor last night. The girls got elbow deep in assisting (small hands!) and took such good care of those piglets. Francie was sitting at her belly for hours corralling the piglets to stay at the ‘nursing station’ and not wander off or up by momma’s head which made her nervous and agitated. At one point Francie stood up and the momma pig protested in grunts at her like “get back there I need you!” Temps dropped and we worked to keep piglets warm and safe and to do our best to help the momma. Labor stalled around midnight and we decided to let her rest and catch a few hours of sleep after a cold dinner (thanks to Heff for cooking and leaving plates for us though, what was supposed to be our celebratory first day of school special dinner… ironically pork chops!). Francie, Emma and I were back out this morning and she was laboring again. We knew there was only one option, getting that last piglet out. It took will and determination and muscle and luck (with a well placed snare) and some advice from our hog guru Danielle who came to help, but we got it done and it feels so good. Thanks to these girls!!! ????? #ranchlife #iamamodernfarmer #myfourmarys #fivemaryspigs #fivemarysfarrowing #m5babies #fivemarysvethospital #goodjob #lemonthemommapig

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Much love for views like this.

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I’ve been at a two processing facilities for beef, one at Auburn University Meats Lab and the other at CS Beef Packers in Idaho. The skill, knowledge, and carefulness that went into each animal from the moment it arrived to the facility to the moment the cuts of beef were boxed and shipped out was astounding. Everything is meticulous and precise. Not many opportunities are given to watch this process, considering these types of facilities are not common, but if you go to your local university’s animal science unit, you can talk to representatives and see the animals and how well they are cared for as well as how knowledgeable the staff is. #beef #beeffacts #beefadvocate #beefitswhatsfordinner #collegestudent #collegelife #singlegirl #agriculture

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And it begins! Our busy life gets a little busier. #harvest2018 #farmlifebestlife

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