What you thought FFA would be like vs. what it’s actually like


Let’s be real, anytime you start something new you always have a preconceived idea of how it might go. For example, any time you start a new sport you might think you will excel at it right away. Or maybe you think you won’t pick it up as early as you wish. No matter what you might think, you will never know until you try. Just like anyone who tries something new, students who join the National FFA Organization don’t truly know what their future holds. They might think the organization could lead them to job opportunities, scholarships, leadership opportunities, or they might join just to check an extracurricular box, and find so much more. 

What you thought it would be like vs. what FFA is actually like

Bonding in class vs. bonding on bus rides — No matter if you signed up for ag classes and FFA on the first day of school, or joined later, you might have signed up for the unique bond between FFA members. However, while students might have thought all the bonding happens in the classroom, the true bonding happens on bus rides. Something about nerves before an event and exhaustion really allows for true bonding between everyone. 

National Convention: time with your friends vs. walking MILES with your friends — One of the end goals for many FFA members is to attend the annual National Convention & Expo. Between Opening Sessions, rodeos, and concerts, the National FFA Convention is what dreams are made of for many FFA members. However, what you think will be a fun time with friends — which it is — turns into walking MILES with friends, it just doesn’t get any better than that. 

Missing classes vs. studying — Now let’s be real, anytime you sign up for an extracurricular that has the potential to interrupt classes you might have a few students with ulterior motives. However, in some cases those same students start to explore everything FFA has to offer, they find a passion for the mission. That carefree attitude can quickly turn into late nights studying for an event, passionately helping others, and bettering themselves and their chapter.

Joining an organization vs personal development — The last thing on your mind when you join an organization of over 760,000 is yourself as an individual. However, this certain organization excels in lifting up an individual, allowing each one to reach their full potential. 

Thinking you will make friends vs. actually adding to your family — One thing you might think you will get out of this organization is friends — and you will. However, when done correctly you receive a family — your FFAmily. Your FFAmily will contain friendships that took years to cultivate and friendships that happened in seconds. These friendships won’t stop growing either — that is the beautiful thing about family. 

Like anything, you get what you put into the National FFA Organization. Just need an extra credit or something to put on your resume? That’s fine. However, you will see more benefits when you let yourself open up to the possibility of more. Go to state convention, listen to the speakers, take on that first role of responsibility and leadership. The more you do, the more memories you will make.

We write about FFA weekly (at least), so you can check here for everything we’ve done to help spotlight ag’s next generation!

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