Features FFA

Georgia flower farmer goes from FFA novice to national success


Kaitlyn Hart Schwarzenbach’s journey into agriculture began in her hometown of Moultrie, nestled in South Georgia, where agriculture and rural lifestyle surrounded her. But it wasn’t until her older brother was elected an FFA state officer that Schwarzenbach took the leap with her first agriculture class.

Her horticulture teacher and FFA advisor, Adrienne Smith, was the first to notice Schwarzenbach’s passion for flowers.

“She saw the potential for me in floral design before I saw it myself, and then from that I really just fell in love,” Schwarzenbach said.

As a busy student, Schwarzenbach realized that creating floral arrangements for school events was both the perfect supervised agricultural experience (SAE) for her agriculture classes and an easy way to make money. So she founded Kait’s Blossoms.

Looking back, she said, “I didn’t know anything, had no materials, no experience, no background knowledge. It was a time to learn, and I love learning.”

Image courtesy of Kaitlyn Hart Schwarzenbach

Throughout high school, Schwarzenbach continued to grow her business as well as compete in the Floral Design Career Development Event (CDE) and several other CDEs, including Agricultural Marketing and Sales. After earning her FFA State Degree and being named Georgia’s Star in Agribusiness just before graduating high school in 2019, Schwarzenbach continued her project while attending the University of Georgia in Athens, hoping to become a finalist for the American Star in Agribusiness.

But during her freshman year, the COVID-19 pandemic hit and sent her back home to Moultrie. COVID was a huge challenge for Schwarzenbach, as her business model switched to focus on a social media presence, and she struggled to keep her project alive.

As the country began to find its way through the pandemic, Kait’s Blossoms returned stronger than ever. December 2020 brought the highlight of Schwarzenbach’s floral work when she had the opportunity to design the Governor’s Mansion for Christmas.

“To have the support of the governor and first lady was very special,” she said.

Image courtesy of Kaitlyn Hart Schwarzenbach

Today, Kait’s Blossoms focuses on the wedding industry, as Schwarzenbach does at least a dozen weddings a year. In between weekend weddings and the busy life of a college student, Schwarzenbach continued to work on her American Star application.

Part of her application was the American Degree, the highest degree FFA members can achieve; less than 1 percent of members will earn this honor.

“It takes a lot of diligence and determination to finish the project and finish the paperwork to get it turned in, but it’s something that you can achieve and you’re only holding yourself back by not getting one,” she said.

After submitting a 50-page application covering over six years of work, Schwarzenbach learned that she had been selected as one of four national finalists for the American Star in Agribusiness. Being chosen as a finalist, regardless of whether she won, was the real achievement.

“Achieving for me was putting everything I possibly could into the project and praying that whoever saw it would see the fruit of my labor,” she said.

Image courtesy of Kaitlyn Hart Schwarzenbach

In October 2022, at the 95th National FFA Convention and Expo, shortly after receiving her American Degree, Schwarzenbach was named the 2022 American Star in Agribusiness.

“I never thought possible that would be the outcome,” she said, noting that winning the title was “just a whirlwind” and “a bittersweet ending” to her time in FFA. After winning the American Star in Agribusiness recognition, there was a lot more interest in Kait’s Blossoms, and Schwarzenbach says that winning “was more than myself” as she “had so many stories shared by ag teachers or by my parents about how they’re showing my FFA video in their class or inspiring students that they can also be a floral designer and be a non-traditional ag student.”

Looking back on her time in FFA, Schwarzenbach still has many of the connections she made with fellow members, ag teachers, and professionals.

“So much of who I am, my qualities and my trades and skills have been through the FFA,” she said. “There’s a sense of passion and oneness through everyone, I’m so proud to say that I was an FFA member and get to share my experience.”

Now a graduate of the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences with a minor in business and an Entrepreneurship certificate, Schwarzenbach hopes to one day open a full-service flower shop.

“Since I started Kait’s Blossoms, my life’s mission has been to use the skills, gifts, and talents that the Lord has given me to serve those around me,” she said. “In the future, I hope my story can still reach young FFA students and help them to know that you’re the only thing stopping you from achieving your dream.”

Image courtesy of Kaitlyn Hart Schwarzenbach

Kate Walker is a student at Georgia College and State University. Originally from Watkinsville, Georgia, she has a passion for writing and all things agriculture. 

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