You deserve every opportunity to have your crops achieve their maximum yield potential. To reach that goal, you want to manage the nitrogen plan for your fields in order to make sure it’s available for plant uptake in spring.
Using a urease inhibitor as part of your nitrogen management plan is the primary way to protect your investment, minimize nitrogen loss, and increase nutrient use efficiency.
Protecting Your Investment
Rich Grabarski believes he’s doing just that for his growers. As the location manager for Allied Cooperative in Adams, Wisconsin, he says protecting the nitrogen he applies makes economic sense.
“When you start looking at it, treating nitrogen is a pretty good investment,” says Grabarski. “You’re talking about insurance and protecting your investments.”
After years of using AGROTAIN® nitrogen stabilizer from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch), they’re now using something better. ANVOL® is the next-generation nitrogen stabilizer from Koch that delivers the longest-lasting urease inhibitor protection over a wider range of soil environments.
The Difference is Duromide
The difference between ANVOL and AGROTAIN is the Koch-patented molecule Duromide — one of the dual active ingredients that combines with NBPT to extend the protection of nitrogen.
With two active ingredients working in tandem, ANVOL provides growers with a longer duration of protection from nitrogen loss through ammonia volatilization than NBPT alone. And that helps maximize nitrogen availability in their fields for a better return on investment and minimized environmental impact.
Switching to ANVOL
While many retailers are moving their growers from AGROTAIN to ANVOL, some are making an even bigger jump — changing brands. Ed August, the operations manager for Meherrin AG in Santee, South Carolina, says they’re glad they switched their growers to Koch’s ANVOL.
After using another brand of stabilizer, August says his team likes the handling benefits of ANVOL. The lower application rate and better coating means they don’t have to stop and check for build-up on the spinner pans or blades, giving them a more consistent spread pattern.
“I think ANVOL is the best product for our application,” says August. “But at the end of the day, we use a nitrogen stabilizer because it’s the right thing to do to keep nitrogen where it needs to be. Our growers know it’s the right thing to do because of the yield advantage they get.”
Research Results Show ANVOL’s Protection
Left unprotected, the nitrogen in urea and UAN can be lost through ammonia volatilization. But in a 2019 Michigan study1, UAN treated with ANVOL yielded 27 more bushels per acre of corn than untreated UAN.
The yield lift is driven by using ANVOL with Duromide, which increases the window of inhibition by up to 27 percent compared to NBPT alone.
Like the study, ANVOL optimized yield potential for August’s customers as well.
“Having that urea treated with ANVOL helped prevent some of the loss we would have seen,” August says. “After everything we spread and treated, we’re now cutting the best corn crop we have ever grown.”
In these times when commodity prices are unstable, it’s a smart investment to have nitrogen stabilizers as part of your management plan to ensure you’re minimizing loss and maximizing yields.
To learn more about ANVOL, visit or contact your Koch sales representative.
NOTICE: 1The underlying data was provided by Michigan State University under a Research Trial Agreement with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC and neither this institution, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service. Always read and follow label instructions. Results may vary based on a number of factors, including environmental conditions. Improvements in yield, nutrient use efficiency and nitrate leaching may not be observed in all cases.
AGROTAIN and ANVOL are trademarks of Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Koch and the Koch logo are trademarks of Koch Industries, Inc. © 2020 Koch Agronomic Services, LLC.
Paid for by Koch Agronomic Services