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National Corn Growers picks President’s Award and advocate award winners


The National Corn Growers Association recognized Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) with its prestigious President’s Award today during its summer Corn Congress meeting in Washington, D.C., as well as three members as Corn Advocates of the Year. 

“Sen. Klobuchar is a tireless advocate for corn growers,” said Minnesota farmer and NCGA President Harold Wolle. “She thoroughly understands the agricultural community and rural America and is always at the forefront championing our issues. It is my pleasure and distinct honor to recognize the senator and fellow Minnesotan with this award.”

Klobuchar has spent years in the Senate pushing for legislation important to corn growers and other farmers. In recent years she has promoted legislation that would allow consumers greater access to higher blends of ethanol. She has also been a forceful advocate for eliminating trade barriers that negatively impact farmers, and she is working to pass a farm bill that will reflect corn grower priorities.

Corn Growers Presidential Award
Image by NCGA

“America is stronger because of you,” Klobuchar said during a taped video address to NCGA members and delegates. “That’s why I am fighting in Washington to give you the support you need and deserve.”

The NCGA President’s Award, one of the organization’s highest honors, is given each year to a recipient chosen by the organization’s board president. Wolle and Klobuchar have worked together for years at the state and national level on corn grower policy and legislation.

NCGA voting delegates meet twice a year during Corn Congress meetings to debate the organization’s policies and vote on new board members for the organization. Klobuchar will receive the actual plaque from Wolle in August when they meet in Minnesota.

Three members were honored with an advocacy award

Three NCGA members have been awarded the Corn Advocate of the Year award at its July Corn Congress held in Washington, D.C. Recipients include Tim Thompson of Illinois; Patrick Seyer of Missouri; and Brett Grauerholz of Kansas.

“As a grower-led organization, NCGA brings corn growers, policymakers, and experts together to move the needle on policy issues that matter to our families and farms — but none of our advocacy work can be successful without strong grower voices,” Wolle said. “The three individuals receiving this award go above and beyond to advocate for farmers, all while managing their farms, families, and businesses. I am deeply grateful that they lend their time and expertise to NCGA’s advocacy efforts.”

NCGA members are chosen for the honor based on several factors, including their participation rate in calls-to-action, their involvement in NCGA’s advocacy trainings and leadership development programs, membership in the association’s PAC, and their engagement with elected officials.

The three awardees not only crossed these criteria off the list, but they also provided a grower perspective and input on NCGA’s policy priorities, including sustainability, innovation, technology, and conservation. NCGA’s Corn Advocate of the Year award is proudly sponsored by Syngenta.

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