John Deere’s new lineup of high-horsepower four-track tractors includes an industry-leading 830-horsepower option. With weather patterns shifting, the labor pool shrinking and input costs rising, the ability to prep the field, plant, and harvest faster and at a lower cost per acre has never been more critical. The new 2025 lineup features three new models with new engine and hydraulic options, new technology packages, cab updates, and more.
“These aren’t just incremental improvements,” said Michael Porter, go-to-market manager for the John Deere tractor line. “These are from-the-ground-up redesigns. We have three new models and a host of new features, all newly designed to return real benefits in terms of operating speeds, in-field efficiency, and future-proofing the farm.”
The new tractor lineup includes these four-track models: the 9RX 710, the 9RX 770, and the 9RX 830.
Autonomy-ready option
To help farmers prepare their equipment and farms for autonomous operation, wheeled and four-track MY25 8 Series and 9 Series tractors will offer an autonomous-ready option, allowing them to quickly and easily switch to fully autonomous operation when it’s right for their own farm.
“The autonomous-ready package offers all the hardware, software, and safety features that we know today will be required for autonomous operation in the future,” Porter said.
The new autonomous-ready package will include rear-implement ethernet, new visibility features, a backup alarm, a 330-amp alternator, a brake controller and valve, and all the necessary connectors, controllers, and harnesses. The only additional item a farmer will need to add in the future to complete autonomous operations will be the perception system. The perception system consists of cameras and vision processing units for autonomous operation.
“The move to autonomous operations should be deliberate and well-planned,” Porter said. “But when it’s time to make the switch, we want our customers to be ready to convert quickly and easily.”

New engines and hydraulic power options
The JD18 engine from John Deere Power Systems will power the three new 9RX models. This Final Tier 4/Stage V-compliant 18-liter engine meets emissions requirements using exhaust-gas recirculation technology, eliminating the need for diesel exhaust fluid and potentially saving farmers the cost of hundreds of gallons of DEF per season.
Combined with the new engine, an optional 168-GPM triple-pump hydraulic system gives farmers the confidence to pull wider and heavier air-seeding trains over the ground while maintaining tractor and fan speed.
“With up to 830 horsepower, 168 gallons per minute of hydraulic capacity, and up to 84,000 pounds of ballast, the new 9RX models are tailor-made for big jobs and big acreage and will help farmers prep the field and plant faster while reducing overall operating costs,” Porter said.
CommandView 4 Plus cab upgrades
New updates aren’t just under the hood. The new CommandView4 Plus cab offers a 15 percent increase in floor space and a 20 percent improvement in visibility from the right-hand side, increasing storage capacity, comfort, and confidence. The new cab suspension protects Operators from bumps, ruts, and noise with a full 3 degrees of motion and an isolated subframe.
“Driving a tractor for 10-plus hours per day can put a strain on even the most experienced operators,” Porter said. “With the additional floor space and enhanced visibility, operators can work more comfortably, have more room for food or drink storage, and have a clearer view.”

Advanced technology package
The new 9RX models continue the John Deere tradition by offering the highest standard technology features, including the G5Plus CommandCenter Display and Integrated StarFire 7500 receiver. An optional G5 Advanced technology package with SF-RTK offers ultimate precision capabilities.
“The combination of the G5Plus display and the optional G5 Advanced technology package gives farmers access to virtually the entire portfolio of intelligence and productivity features,” Porter said. “This includes AutoTrac Turn Automation, AutoTrac Implement Guidance, AutoPath planning and more. With the John Deere Operations Center and JDLink connectivity, you have a total technology package that allows access to field and machine data anytime, anywhere.”
It all adds up
“We love to talk about numbers and specifications,” Porter said. “But ultimately, these new machines are built to help farmers meet critical seeding, planting and field prep windows. For corn and soybean farmers, the 9RX models allow them to pull wider implements and reduce the number of spring and fall passes. For small grain farmers, the higher engine and hydraulic power mean they can pull fully loaded air seeders over virtually any type of terrain without slowing down. And regardless of what crops are planted, the machine will be ready for autonomous operations when the time comes to implement it on the farm.”
The MY25 high-horsepower 9RX models will be available for order starting mid-March. Additional model-year updates are available for 7 and 8 Series tractors.