Agrivoltaics proving a responsible way to blend solar fields and traditional ag
Agrivoltaics involves creating solar panel farms with food crops grown in between rows or incorporating grazing livestock.
Agrivoltaics involves creating solar panel farms with food crops grown in between rows or incorporating grazing livestock.
Burger King has created a marketing video centered on the company’s visit to Farm Babe’s Iowa farm and to other agricultural innovators.
With Trump zeroed in bigger farms and Biden on smaller one, to say there is one solid ag-answer to the presidential election is too broad a generalization.
New technology and machinery’s improved efficiency are bumping up the costs of being a farmer.
Kiss the Ground is a documentary with infodemic tendencies — style over substance, with some “factoids” made to go viral with no critical analysis.
So after seven years of engaging, here are 5 big things this crop-farmer’s daughter has learned about animal agriculture.
With the help of Georgia congressmen, Sedrick Rowe founded the founded the Southwest Georgia Chapter of the National Young Farmers Coalition.
With millions of people consuming cookbook author Bobby Parrish’s misinformation, Farm Babe had to send an open letter to FlavCity.
Agriculturalists often don’t have a problem reconciling science with faith — the sum being seen as greater than their individual parts.
Consumer Reports has created a produce ranking — under the ominous heading “Stop Eating Pesticides” — based allegedly on pesticide residues.