Miraculin: The sweet science of taste misdirection
Miraculin is a protein found in the Miracle Fruit. This tropical species has a curious attribute — it can (temporarily) invert intense sour to delectable sweet. And it’s calorie free.
Miraculin is a protein found in the Miracle Fruit. This tropical species has a curious attribute — it can (temporarily) invert intense sour to delectable sweet. And it’s calorie free.
Comfort Farms didn’t go as deep and insightful as I’d have preferred, yet there is a lot of value that it brings and it starts and important conversation.
We explore the differences in how “clean” is interpreted in food, how those differences came about, and what the term actually (or should actually) mean.
While the webinar on a “Food System” report provided a viable discussion, it did not seem to suggest any solutions besides changing the system.
The farmers’ markets of agriculture-rich, Southern Maryland are like many across the nation: powered by small and medium-sized family-owned farms and growers.
Thanksgiving is a powder keg — jetlagged, hangry family members, cramped quarters, and spirited political debates with Uncle Bob palpably elevate the tension. You pray he succumbs to the post-gorge turkey coma (PSA: tryptophan doesn’t induce sleepiness) before going on a circular rant in your general direction. It’s the same predictable formula every year (at […]
Major public-health organizations are pushing for a cancer warning on all alcoholic beverages, arguing that it’s needed for transparency and honesty.
The problem with food evangelists is they ignore the huge population that doesn’t have a food choice and still needs access to nutritious, affordable food.
Does a food label wording falsely coax you into thinking something is healthier for you. Sure lots of them do. That’s the ‘healthy halo’ effect in marketing.
Kiss the Ground was a missed opportunity — and with too much bashing of farmers! Is it the worst ag film ever? No. Could it have been better? Absolutely.