Food Science Babe: The dirty deception of the ‘Dirty Dozen’
The deceptive “Dirty Dozen” pesticide list put out annually by the Environmental Working Group continues to be the list no one needs or asked for.
The deceptive “Dirty Dozen” pesticide list put out annually by the Environmental Working Group continues to be the list no one needs or asked for.
The role of African Americans in shaping U.S. history cannot be over stated. Black history is American history, and it’s the history of U.S. agriculture.
The Death Tax Repeal Act would protect family-owned businesses, farms, and ranches from being hit with a hefty tax in the event a loved one dies.
Imagine a world that relies on agriculture to take the lead in solving a problem like climate change. We need to insert ourselves into the discussion.
Agriculture Future of America is helping to equip college-age students to become allies for diversity in agriculture.
People think “big ag” is bad because they don’t understand it, but these farmers have an many regulations to follow, and sustainability is at the forefront.
2020 saw a national reckoning on American race relations, and the history of Black farmers became a key piece of the puzzle.
Public health crises are no laughing matter, but sometimes it takes a funny, edgy, celebrity-style approach to get the point across.
Everyone should learn more about the influential Black women in agriculture who I look up to as a professional and hear the Black HERstory they each have.
McDonald’s Canada created an ad that speaks to all that is good, noble, and positive about the direction of agriculture and the stewardship of farmers.