Behind the data: Trends in pesticide use in the U.S.
When one asks the question, “Is pesticide use up or down in the U.S.?” the answer about pesticide trends is more complicated than a simple “yes” or “no.”
When one asks the question, “Is pesticide use up or down in the U.S.?” the answer about pesticide trends is more complicated than a simple “yes” or “no.”
Youth program advocate Dr. Maurice Smith believes we must innovate current structures to increase involvement in agriculture from all walks of life.
Technology and the focus on sustainability will help sustain and even grow the agricultural production capabilities of today’s farmers.
The cost of growing crops could outpace revenue for many farmers in 2022, making it more difficult to break even despite rising commodity prices.
The European People’s Party has completely abandoned the fantasy where agriculture can use primitive production practices to meet modern demand.
There are many myths and questions surrounding organic foods and farming methods. Let’s tackle the top myths about organic farming head-on.
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Dr. Jewel Bronaugh is helping to rebuild trust and accountability in the USDA through a newly launched Equity Commission.
Warfare in Eastern Europe will significantly impact global agriculture. Many countries in the surrounding area depend on Ukraine and Russia for their grain.
When farmers are deprived of important tools to control pest pressure, yields suffer. Lower yields means there’s less supply and thus higher prices.
Food and agriculture has always and should always unite the people, not divide them. As leaders of this industry, let’s change the division.