Daily Harvest and pink sauce prompt e-commerce food safety concerns
The Daily Harvest recall as well as the viral TikTok pink sauce debacle have called into question the food safety at e-commerce food companies.
The Daily Harvest recall as well as the viral TikTok pink sauce debacle have called into question the food safety at e-commerce food companies.
With the kinds of collisions being seen on many rural roads between tractor and combine drivers and other motorists, many wonder how this could happen.
First-generation college students often face struggles in academia that non-first generation students don’t, and their successes are especially impressive.
Some radical activist organizations have weaponized the Endangered Species Act against the EPA’s pesticide registrations — doing more damage than not in terms of the science.
Leaders in 22 states spoke up after the USDA wanted SNAP benefits to better address sexual orientation and gender inclusion.
At an online event called “Anti-Racism in STEM,” Black faculty shared what it is like being in a “White dominated field” like the STEM industry is.
Santana Nez of the Navajo leans on her family history, tenacity, and self-reliance to guide her steps as she continues to attain goals and share traditions.
In case anyone was wondering, farmers are still out there soiling their undies – all in the name of science and soil conservation. This week, the conservancy’s first “Soil Your Undies” results were released from the Saginaw Watershed Farmer Network Field Day at WMW Bierlein Farms in Michigan.
Now that U.S. farmers are legally growing industrial hemp, the nation could see a rise in hempcrete construction, which uses hemp as a building material.
Despite a lawsuit’s claim, the science doesn’t back the claim that Skittles contain a “known toxin” that makes them “unfit for human consumption.”