Winter isn’t the downtime on farms that many think it is
While I’m blessed to be my own boss as a farmer, also know that while you take vacations and enjoy other recreation during the summer, I’m probably working.
While I’m blessed to be my own boss as a farmer, also know that while you take vacations and enjoy other recreation during the summer, I’m probably working.
The November mid-term election outcomes did little to swing farmer sentiment according to this month’s Perdue Ag Economy Barometer.
Winter can be difficult for personal health, but maintaining our bodies and our minds is important to maintaining the health of our farming operations.
Relevant new agendas should be developed to consider youth as an important stakeholder in food systems and empower them to tackle these challenges.
Don’t be duped by headlines saying ‘factory farms’ are illegal in Ohio. It’s a poor attempt by the activist group Lake Erie Advocates to spin CAFO policy.
Working in the agriculture industry sometimes means becoming creative with supplementing your income to make the day-to-day expenses for the farm work out. There are a lot of different ways to approach supplementing your income, from the more traditional methods of working somewhere local to making money from online sources. The only obstacle to how […]
People too often feel they need to pick one political side or the other. Yet topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion shouldn’t be partisan.
Stress management is an essential business skill in 2022; statistics clearly show agriculture needs to do a better job with mental wellness.
Maharishi International University now has a degree program called Regenerative Organic Agriculture, which says it uses a “holistic” vision for growth.
The fermentation process unlocks the nutritional package of foods because the bacteria is given the opportunity to eat what we can’t digest, and they leave behind nutrients that are easier for our gut.