One killed, two injured as French farmer protests accelerate
A female farmer was killed when her car crashed into a roadblock during a nationwide protest by French farmers on Tuesday.
A female farmer was killed when her car crashed into a roadblock during a nationwide protest by French farmers on Tuesday.
A new international study finds that fruits and vegetables grown in urban farm’s have a carbon footprint six times more than conventionally grown produce.
The Alltech 2023 U.S. Harvest Analysis highlights regional mycotoxin risks in the corn harvest, underscoring the need for routine monitoring and testing.
A decision released by the International Trade Commission upholds an earlier opinion that found material injury to U.S. fertilizer companies.
Novel chemistry discovery by Enko and Syngenta for fungal control showcases digital tech reducing research time with early safety measures.
A new documentary film, Feeding Tomorrow is slated for release on Jan. 23, 2024. The movie, directed by the sons of chef and millionaire restauranteur Todd English, claims to be a visionary take on the transformative power of food and agriculture. But for farmers who’ve weathered the storms of a broken system, it might offer […]
El Niño peaks during the late fall or early winter months, and while it is not predictive of U.S. corn and soybean yields, it can affect the weather.
Tuesday morning in Douglas County, Minnesota, a 64-year-old man found himself trapped inside a grain bin. The victim, identified as Brent Ost of Parkers Prairie, was submerged in corn up to his chest, sparking a rapid response from local emergency services. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office received a 9-1-1 call from Bradley Swensen at or […]
Preparing for the 2027 Census of Agriculture, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service’s National Agricultural Classification Survey opens Jan. 24.
Two college students pursuing degrees in agriculture that will benefit the wheat industry will be awarded $2,500 scholarships this semester.