Keeping Cows CoolThis week’s #NDAFarmFridays focuses on cow cooling. Kristyn Mensonides (Mensonides Dairy) and Larry Lowe (Moxee Dairy) showed us how they work hard to keep their cows cool despite the record heatwave last week in Washington. Total rockstars!
Posted by Darigold on Friday, July 9, 2021
How dairy producers keep their cows cool this summer
This summer heat has everyone looking for ways to cool down. Even though we love our livestock like family, we don’t invite them into the house where it is air conditioned. However, there are many ways that livestock, especially dairy can beat the heat this summer. Everything from fans to ice packs, check out how two Washington dairies kept cool during the hot summer months.
Darigold introduces Kristyn Mensonides from Mensonides Dairy and Larry Lowe representing Moxee Dairy, who showed us how they work hard to keep their cows cool despite the record heatwave last week in Washington. Both dairies utilize different strategies but were able to put cow comfort first and keep their livestock cool.