FFA News

If characters of ‘The Office’ were members of your FFA chapter


There are few things that everyone can agree on — especially in today’s society. However, I believe there is a universal love for the show, The Office. There is something to be said about a show like that that can bring a smile to our faces. Oftentimes while I watch a show, I start to apply it to other areas in my life — everything from work to school. This show is very relatable. 

For those of you who don’t have The Office on replay in the background, here is a quick rundown. Dunder Mifflin is a paper company, and Michael Scott, played by Steve Carell, is the manager. At first glance, this is your typical office setting with a few misfits, but we quickly see the lighter side of the office and how close everyone becomes. Although it started production in 2005, it is still a fan favorite and applicable to everyday life. So as I rewatched The Office for the eighth time, I wonder how the characters of the hit TV show could relate to FFA.

Michael Scott — Michael Scott would be the quirky FFA advisor who eventually becomes like family. As the manager/advisor, Michael treats everyone like family and will give up his personal time to support you. Also just like Michael, an FFA advisor can be unpredictable — you never know what they might say next. 

Jim Halpert — On the show, Jim is your classic class clown. But in addition to being the jokester, Jim also knows when to be serious and how to get things done. Due to his popularity and ability to lead, Jim is the Chapter President.

Dwight Schrute — Dwight Schrute would be the Assistant to the Chapter President — aka Chapter Vice President. Not only does Dwight works on his beet farm and runs a successful operation, but he would also make a great sidekick. In addition to being a loyal second in command, he would ensure his chapter would exceed in everything they set out to do.

Pam Beesly — Naturally, Pam is the Secretary in the chapter. Pam is the quiet girl who gets along with everyone. However, she is more than just everyone’s best friend — she is also the leader you never saw coming. Pam would keep an “accurate record of all meetings and correspond with other secretaries wherever corn is grown and FFA members meeting.”

Kelly Kapoor — Kelly would make an amazing Reporter. Although she initially signed up because her boyfriend was in FFA, she would take her duties seriously. She would publicize chapter activities, send stories to district and state FFA reporters, and record FFA activities with lots of pictures.

Andy Bernard –– Last but not least, Andy would make a wonderful FFA member. Not everyone has a title, but everyone is important in FFA. Andy is the FFA member who wasn’t raised on a farm, but is still very active in FFA. And while it takes time to learn the ins and outs of agriculture, Andy will the next great leader in agriculture.

While each character has our heart for a specific reason, it takes each one of them to make a great team — just like every FFA chapter. 

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