
Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from Sept. 28


We bring you some of the best farm photos on Instagram for Sept. 28. Want to get listed in this daily feature? Be sure to hashtag your pics with #agdaily!

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Dad! Wait for me!

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He's a tractor with wings. — Disney's Planes ___________________ Part 1 of 2. This pilot noticed me with my camera and did several passes directly over my driveway on his way to and from the field he was working. I really enjoyed my private airshow! ____________________ #thisisiowa #myiowa #highlightiowa #exploreiowa #iowagram #onlyiniowa @capture_iowa #ig_iowa #nocoastcollective #iowafarmer #iowafarm #ia_ag #iowaag #farm #farmer #farming #country_features #agdaily #countryroads #countryliving #rural #ruralliving @iowa_agriculture @agriculture_worldwide #american_agriculture_ @usa_agriculture #midwestliving #midwestisbest #igersmidwest #farmcountry #flying #cropduster #agphotography #ruralexposures

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Thirty minutes north of Indianapolis, Tom and Sally Waitt own and operate @dandybreezecreamery and farm, a small operation with family, jersey cows, and the land at its core. . With milk from grass-fed cows, the Waitts are able to produce and bottle delicious whole milk right on their farm, earning themselves a very loyal customer base. . Click the link in our bio to read the FULL STORY or visit: . . . #dandybreezecreamery #dairyfarm #drinkmilk #wholemilk #familyfarm #farmlife #jerseycows #grassfedcows #grassfeddairy #indianapolis #indianafarm #chocolatemilk #alwaysfamilyfarms #dairytogether #supportfamilyfarms #agriculture #agdaily #iamamodernfarmer

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