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Hogging the spotlight: Starbucks creates pork-flavored latte


Move over olive oil-infused brews, because Starbucks in China is taking divisive coffee to a whole new level of “What were they thinking?” This time, they’ve “blessed” us with a pork-flavored latte. Because nothing says “Happy Chinese New Year” like a beverage that tastes like pig? 

This concoction, dubbed the Abundant Year Savory Latte, is a combination of espresso and Dongpo pork sauce, topped with a garnish of pork breast meat. Yes, you heard that right. They’re drizzling pork sauce over your morning cup of joe because, apparently, a tradition now involves drenching everything in sight with meaty goodness.

“Eating meat means prosperity in the coming year,” Starbucks wrote days before the Lunar New Year began.

For the low, low price of 68 Chinese yuan (not quite a kidney, but still about $8.07), you too can experience the joy of sipping on what some claim to be a delightful blend of sweet and salty flavors reminiscent of fermented bean curd mixed with a hint of sweetener. Yum, right? Well, if you can get past the mental image of pork floating in your latte like some sort of meaty iceberg.

And don’t worry, if you find yourself questioning your sanity while sipping on this concoction, you’re not alone. Chinese social media is buzzing with disbelief, with users torn between the urge to try it out of curiosity and the overwhelming desire to keep their breakfast firmly on the safe side of sanity.

But fear not, Starbucks loyalists, because apparently, the folks at the coffee giant anticipated your confusion. They’re calling the flavor “surprising,” which may very well be corporate speak for “Please don’t sue us if you gag.”

Meanwhile, over at Luckin Coffee, they’re probably laughing hysterically as they sip their Big Cheese Latte and Watermelon Pink Latte, wondering why anyone would willingly subject themselves to pork-infused caffeine when there are perfectly acceptable options like, you know, regular coffee. But hey, to each their own. Just remember, sometimes tradition should stay in the past where it belongs, preferably far away from our morning pick-me-up.

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